The following are the regulations corresponding to the first Latin American MOBAS female league for Latin America; Each and every one of the guidelines will be explained in detail, with the aim of achieving a perfect capture by the participants and a respectful discussion of them in case of any discrepancy.
In order to participate in a tournament, it will be necessary to have an account that meets the necessary requirements. Each player is responsible for registering individually on our platform. If a player does not register correctly on our platform, they will not be eligible to receive the prizes if applicable.
The team roster is a complete list of players signed up for a team for a specific tournament. The minimum size for a team's squad is five players; the maximum is nine including substitutes (some tournaments may have different limits).
Teams can use any of their squad members to choose the starting players for each game. Players will only be able to substitute another player from the squad in a game that has already started if the game is restarted due to one of the following conditions:
The gamer is having difficulties with his hardware.
The player has technical problems or is without power.
The player has internet problems.
If so determined by a judge.
If a game is restarted, all players who started it must remain, except for the player or players who have suffered from the problems mentioned above. The judges may disqualify the team if there are unauthorized changes.
Participants will have to play fair, show a sporty attitude and know all the tournament procedures well.
In all tournaments it will be mandatory to play all the games using the tournament code assigned to each specific round.
- The tournament code will be emailed to the team captain prior to the start of the tournament. It will be available to all team members who log into the tournament platform.
Tournament codes are generated for each game. Only members of the two teams involved will be able to use that tournament code to access the custom game room.
If the tournament code does not work, the team captains will have to enter the customer chat, which will be indicated by email, and ask the judges for help. Don't forget that players who were not part of the team when the tournament code was generated will not be able to access the custom game room.
You will find a guide to using the tournament code in the Frequently Asked Questions section.
After receiving the information about their next match and the unique tournament code, the captains will be in charge of scheduling a match with the opposing team. Then they will receive the official start time:
- The tournament code may be used to play the game at any time before the official start time of the game.
If the game has not taken place before the official start time, both teams will have to meet and play it at that game start time.
We recommend that teams log in 10 minutes before the official start time to give them plenty of time to access the custom match room, resolve any potential issues, and prepare for the duel.
Teams with less than five members will not be admitted. If a 4v5 (or similar) game is played, the team playing with the incomplete squad will be disqualified, regardless of the outcome of the game.
If 10 minutes pass from the start time of the game and a valid team does not appear in the room, it will be considered that said team has not shown up. The entire team of five players will have to remain in the room until that time. If neither team shows up on time with all 5 members and they are not ready to play after 10 minutes from the start time of the game, neither team will be deemed to have shown up.
The game can be paused during tournaments to resolve important difficulties that cannot be solved during the game. The game can only be paused in tournaments with games of the "Recruitment Tournament" type.
Teams can only pause the game if:
- There is an important problem that must be solved.
There is no fight at those times.
After pausing the game, the opposing team will have to be notified of the reason.
All disputes must be resolved by the teams during the break.
If any kind of unfair behavior is observed, the teams will have to take a screenshot and, after finishing the game, notify one of the round judges.
After a game with a pause, all players who participated in the game will have to stay connected for 10 minutes after the end of the game, to help the judge understand what happened.
It will be the judge who examines the evidence presented and decides whether to validate the result of the game, restart it or disqualify a team (for improper use of the pause). Whenever possible, the team captain will be responsible for gathering evidence of the problem to present to the judge.
All the circumstances that we will comment on below will be grounds for disqualification if the judge so determines:
- Any team that is accused (and proven) of using cheats and hacks that allow them to gain an illicit advantage in the game.
Any team that shows little sportsmanship or does not comply with the Summoner's Code.
Any member of the team who uses obscene, inappropriate, vulgar language, insults, threatens, verbally abuses, slanders, defames or says anything else offensive or objectionable. Or any team member who, at any time, encourages or incites discriminatory or hateful behavior, whether in or near the combat zone.
Playing without a small squad of five players.
Share Account - If a summoner's account from the original squad is used by a different player.
Plots: intentionally losing a game to facilitate the victory of the other team.
Make use of any bugs, bots, etc.
The judge will have full power over any matter other than those listed above. To validate a disqualification, it will be necessary to present videos of the game or screenshots without cropping. If a team is disqualified, it will lose all possible prizes that it could qualify for.
At the moment, the league is arranged as follows:
Game mode: 5 VS 5.
Tournament format: Points classification - Group stage - Single elimination.
Type of tie: Best of 1 / Best of 3 / Best of 5
Game type: Selection mode.
All games will have to be played with the tournament code (CT) provided. Results will be received automatically at the end of each game.
All teams must commit to playing the number of games necessary consecutively to determine the winner of the round. For example, if the game is best of 3, both teams must play the two (or three) games necessary to determine the winner of the round.
The games must be played all in a row and cannot be spaced over hours or days. Both players can spend a maximum of 10 minutes on the win / loss screen before the next room is due to start. If a longer pause is needed, it should be agreed with a judge.
The tournament code will be emailed to the captain of each team. It can also be found on the tournament platform (you must log in and be part of a team participating in an active tournament).